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Isaac Asugo Ondimu Kisii-Kilgoris Road 96 Kenyenya Narok
Innocent Oyugi Omoyo Marani Town 37 Kisii Kisii
Ignatius Onsando Mong'Eri Kisii-Oyugis Road 1445-40200 Homa Bay
Ibrahim Otwori Muma Kenyenya- Magenche Road, Riokindo Market 59 Kenyenya Kisii
Gladys Nyaboke Momanyi Kisii-Ogembo Road 4200-40200 Nyamira
Giant Spider Agency Gusii Plaza 1392 Kisii Kisii
Getui Kelvin Peter Mashauri Junction 118-40502 Kisii
Fridah Nyanchama Enosh Kisii 704-40200 Kisii
Fred Omwoyo Ong'Era Rejogoo- Kisii Nyamira Rd 172-40204 Nyamira
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