Definitions In these Terms and Conditions:

  1. “Bank” refers to Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited and any of its representations, companies or subsidiaries in any other market.
  2. “Customer” shall include any persons, firm, partnership or corporate body subscribing to use or accessing the Bank’s Online Banking platform.
  3. “Account” means any open account that you hold with the Bank or open with the Bank and which the Bank allows you to operate on the Bank’s Online Banking Solution.
  4. “Account Terms” means the Terms and Conditions of the Account.
  5. “Business Day” means any day other than a Sunday or public holiday in the Republic of Kenya and any other subsidiary the Bank operates in.
  6. “Conditions of Use” – means any Terms and Conditions of Use which govern the use of the platform that the Bank may prescribe from time to time and avails at www.co-opbank.co.ke.
  7. “SMS Token (One Time Password” (OTP) means an SMS code sent to the customer to aid in authenticating login and transactions conducted by the customer.
  8. “Helpline” means a telephone helpdesk service we provide to assist you in using the Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited’s Services, details of which are set out in the Online Help facility at www.co-opbank.co.ke.

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