Co-op Unit Trust
We all wish to achieve our financial goals. No matter what they are, we provide you with the tools to achieve them.

Co-op Unit Trust invest in various financial assets such as equities, deposits, bonds and commercial papers. These investments allow you to participate in a professionally managed scheme with your choice of investment strategy and mandate to reflect your need and goals.
Co-op money market fund
The fund invests in high-quality, short-term debt instruments, cash, and cash equivalents investment option designed to provide an accountholder with low risk, interest-yielding investment, and entry & exit flexibility.
Fund features include:
- No minimum period of investment
- No minimum deposits
- Receive funds within 3 days of notice
- Account updated within 24 working hours
- Interest is calculated daily & credited monthly
Bond fund
The fund invests in primarily bonds and other interest-earning instruments investment option is designed for long-term investors seeking steady income.
Account features are:
- Minimum startup of Kes 50,000
- No initial charge
- Account updated within 24 working hours
- No initial charges
- Recommended for long-term investors (3 years and above) seeking steady income.
How to join
Complete the joining & individual risk profiling form and provide the KYC documents.
Send money to the collection account provided in the joining form. This is only through cheques, money transfers, or Mpesa.
Contact us
Co-optrust Investment Services Limited
Co-operative House 5th Floor, Haile Selassie Avenue
P.O. Box 48231- 00100, Nairobi
Tel: 020 3276120/0711 049 120/0711 049 496/0711 049 241/0711 049 813/0711 049 999/0711 013 925
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