Group Board Of Directors

  • John Murugu, OGW John Murugu, OGW


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    John Murugu, OGW

    John Murugu, OGW


    Joined the Board of Directors on 27th May 2015 and became Bank Chairman on 1st October 2017. He is
    a leading banker and public finance expert; served as the Director-Debt Management Ministry of Finance – Treasury. He has previously been an alternate director for the Permanent Secretary-Treasury, in Kenya Commercial Bank, Industrial Development Bank, and at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. He has over 25 years of banking experience at the Central Bank of Kenya notably as the Director of Bank Supervision. He holds a Bachelor of Education Degree and Masters of Arts in Economics and is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers (ACIB).

  • Macloud Malonza, MBS, HSC Macloud Malonza, MBS, HSC

    Vice Chairman

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    Macloud Malonza, MBS, HSC

    Macloud Malonza, MBS, HSC

    Vice Chairman

    Joined the Board of Directors in 2005 and became the Bank Vice Chairman on 1 October 2017. He is notably the Chairman of Co-opholdings Co-operative Society Ltd, the 65% strategic investor in the bank. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, a Masters in Organizational Change and Development, Master of Business Administration, a Post-graduate Diploma in Management and Information Systems, Certificate in Strategic Planning and Management and CPS 1. He has also attended Senior Management and Strategic Leadership Development Courses. He has served in various positions in the Civil Service and is Chairman of Harambee Co-operative Society Limited that serves employees of the various Government departments under the Office of the President. He is a director in Kingdom Bank Ltd.

  • Dr. Gideon Muriuki, CBS, MBS Dr. Gideon Muriuki, CBS, MBS

    Group Managing Director & CEO

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    Dr. Gideon Muriuki, CBS, MBS

    Dr. Gideon Muriuki, CBS, MBS

    Group Managing Director & CEO

    Appointed Managing Director in 2001 and has presided over the Bank’s turnaround from a massive loss position of KShs. 2.3 billion in the year 2000, to a profit before tax of KShs. 22.6 Billion In 2021.

    Dr Gideon Muriuki joined the Bank in 1996 as a Senior Corporate Manager then became Director, Corporate and Institutional Banking in 1999 before his appointment as Managing Director in 2001 with a clear mandate to return the Bank into profitable trading. Holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics, is a Fellow of the Kenya Institute of Bankers and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Business Management in 2011, a Doctorate of Humane Letters (Honoris Causa) –DLitt from the African International University and Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letter from the Co-operative University of Kenya in 2022.

    He has over 33 years’ experience in banking and finance and he was voted CEO of the year Africa 2014 by the International Banker. Former Chairman, Governing Council of the Africa International University and former Chairman, African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association(AFRACA).

    He was decorated in 2005 with the award of Order of the Grand Warrior (OGW), in 2011, award of the Moran of the Order of the Burning Spear (MBS), in 2017 with Chief of the Order of the Burning Spear first-class (CBS) in recognition of his successful turnaround of the Bank and exemplary service to the nation.

    He is a recipient of a decoration of Chevalier de L’ordre National du Burkina Faso by the President of Burkina Faso in recognition of his outstanding contribution to development of rural finance in Africa, 2016 Lion of Judah Award by Evangelical Alliance of Kenya and Mtumishi Bora Grand Award – 2016 by the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum for his great servant leadership as a committed Christian leader in the market place. In 2018, he was awarded Best Banking CEO Kenya by International Finance.

    Awarded Banking CEO of The Year by EMEA Finance – African Banking Awards, 2021. Awarded a 2nd honorary doctorate from the Cooperative University of Kenya to recognize his contributions to banking and the co-operative sector.

  • Patrick K. Githendu Patrick K. Githendu


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    Patrick K. Githendu

    Patrick K. Githendu


    Joined the board in 2017 having served in the Board of Co-optrust Investment Services Ltd since 1998 and the Board of Co-op Consultancy & Insurance Agency Ltd since 2009. He is a businessman, with vast experience, particularly in the coffee industry. He is the Vice-Chairman of Co-opholdings Co-operative Society Limited and Director of Kingdom Securities Limited. He is a Director in Kenya Co-operative Coffee Exporters (KCCE).

  • Weda Welton Weda Welton

    Director, Independent

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    Weda Welton

    Weda Welton

    Director, Independent

    She is currently an independent human resources consultant / private business. She has 35 years of experience in Human Resource Management in the banking and financial sectors. Mrs. Welton holds a Bachelor’s degree in Arts from the University of Delhi, a diploma in International Law and Diplomacy and a Master’s degree in Human resources management and development from Manchester University, UK. She is the chairperson of the Board Audit Committee.

  • Lawrence Karissa Lawrence Karissa

    Director, Independent

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    Lawrence Karissa

    Lawrence Karissa

    Director, Independent

    Joined the Board of Directors on 27th May 2015. He has over 25 years of experience in banking having previously served in various senior positions in PricewaterhouseCoopers, Kenya Commercial Bank and
    Co-operative Bank of Kenya. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Accounting and is a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya CPA (K). He is the Chairman of the Staff and Nomination Committee.

  • Julius Sitienei Julius Sitienei


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    Julius Sitienei

    Julius Sitienei


    Joined the Board of Directors in 2003. He is a businessman and an educationist with over 20 years of experience in the teaching profession before he took leadership positions in the management of co-operative societies. He is a Director of Co-opholdings Co-operative Society Limited and the Chairman of Kingdom Securities Limited. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Human Resources Management. He is a director in Kingdom Bank Ltd.

  • Benedict W. Simiyu Benedict W. Simiyu


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    Benedict W. Simiyu

    Benedict W. Simiyu


    Joined the Board of Directors in 2014. He is an Educationist and holds a Diploma in Education Management. He has also attended various management courses. He is a nonexecutive Board member of Ng’arisha Sacco (Former Bungoma Teachers Sacco). He is a Director of Co-opholdings Co-operative Society Limited.

  • Richard L. Kimanthi Richard L. Kimanthi


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    Richard L. Kimanthi

    Richard L. Kimanthi


    Joined the Board of Directors in 1994. He is a businessman and has served in various leadership positions in the co-operative movement for a considerable period. He holds a Diploma in Co-operative Management. He is a Director of Co-op Holdings Co-operative Society Limited.

  • Mrs. Alice Mwololo Mrs. Alice Mwololo


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    Mrs. Alice Mwololo

    Mrs. Alice Mwololo


    Mrs. Alice Mwololo is an economist by profession with over 30 years’ experience as a career civil servant in various departments at the National Treasury and Economic Planning dockets. She is notably the current Director of Planning, Financial and Sectorial Affairs. She has served as an Alternate Director to the Principal Secretary – National Treasury in various boards and also represents the National Treasury in several inter-ministerial Committees and Taskforces spearing key Government Agendas.


    Mrs. Mwololo holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economic, a Master of Arts in Economics, both from the University of Nairobi and a Post Graduate Diploma in Development Planning Techniques with Computer Applications with the Institute of Social Studies in the Netherlands.

  • Margaret Karangatha (Mrs.) Margaret Karangatha (Mrs.)


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    Margaret Karangatha (Mrs.)

    Margaret Karangatha (Mrs.)


    She was appointed as a director of the Bank on 24th September, 2020. She is the Executive Director of The Lead Consortium Ltd and has over the last 25 years been consulting in Kenya and many African countries. She is an Executive Coach and mentor, and a Facilitator/ Organizational Development Consultant in disciplines such as Health Care Industry, Publishing, Engineering, Real Estate, Educational Institutions, and Floriculture among others. She has served in several boards with the current being the outgoing Board Chairman of the Navigators Economic Transformation Facility and Regional Treasurer of Scripture Union Africa.

    She specializes in Organizational Planning, Leadership and Human Resources Management and Finance for Finance and Non-Finance Managers. She has worked as a Management Coordinator for United Bible Societies overseeing work in over 34 Countries in Africa for 15 years and is an Associate Consultant with AMREF, CORAT and Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). Mrs. Karangatha holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (Accounting Option) from the University of Nairobi, a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA, Strategic Management) from United States International University and is a Certified Public Accountant – Kenya (ICPAK). She is the Chairperson of the Board Credit Committee.

  • Wilfred Ongoro, HSC Wilfred Ongoro, HSC


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    Wilfred Ongoro, HSC

    Wilfred Ongoro, HSC


    Joined the Board of Directors in 2006. He is an educationist with over 20 years experience and has served the co-operative movement in various positions. He is a Director of Co-opholdings Co-operative Society Limited.

  • Godfrey K. Mburia Godfrey K. Mburia


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    Godfrey K. Mburia

    Godfrey K. Mburia


    Joined the Board of Directors in 2017, having served in the Subsidiaries Board since 2004. He is an Accountant by profession and served as Head of Finance, Meru Central Farmers Union. He is a Director of Co-opholdings Co-operative Society Limited and the Chairman of Kenya Co-operative Coffee Exporters (KCCE).

  • Francis Ngone Francis Ngone


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    Francis Ngone

    Francis Ngone


    Appointed Director on 27th April 2018. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the Co-operative movement and is currently the Chairman of Muranga Farmers’ Co-operative Union, one of the largest co-operative unions in Kenya and the Chairman of Gatunyu Kigio Farmers Co-operative Society Limited. He is the current Chairman of Catholic Men Association in the Catholic Diocese of Muranga and the General Secretary of Catholic Men Association in Kenya. He holds a Diploma in Business Management and CPA II. He has previously worked for Cotton Board of Kenya as a Branch Manager and Kenya Post & Telecommunication as an accountant for a period spanning over 20 years cumulatively.

  • David Muthigani Muriuki David Muthigani Muriuki


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    David Muthigani Muriuki

    David Muthigani Muriuki


    Joined the boards of the subsidiaries in May 2014. He is a businessman and a coffee farmer, with vast experience in farm management and coffee production. He is the Chairman of Kibirigwi Farmers Co-op Society. He is a Director of Co-opholdings Co-operative Society Limited.

  • James N. Njiru James N. Njiru


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    James N. Njiru

    James N. Njiru


    Joined the boards of the subsidiaries in May 2014. He is a businessman and an Educationist. He holds a Diploma in Business Management and has experience in the co-operative movement. He is a Director of Coopholdings Co-operative Society Limited. He is also a Director in CIC Insurance Group, Chairman of Nawiri Sacco and Cooperative Insurance Society.

  • Scholastica Odhiambo (Mrs.) Scholastica Odhiambo (Mrs.)


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    Scholastica Odhiambo (Mrs.)

    Scholastica Odhiambo (Mrs.)


    Joined the boards of Co-optrust Investment Services Ltd in 2005 and Co-op Consultancy & Insurance Agency Ltd in 2008. She has served at the Ministry of Finance and continues to work with the Kenya Revenue Authority as a Revenue Officer, where she has served for over 32 years. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Diploma in Corporate Governance from the KCA University. She is a Director of Co-opholdings Co-operative Society Limited.

  • Geoffrey M’Nairobi Geoffrey M’Nairobi


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    Geoffrey M’Nairobi

    Geoffrey M’Nairobi


    Appointed Director on 27th April 2018. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the Co-operative movement and is currently the General Manager of Meru South Farmers’ Co-operative Union Limited, one of the largest co-operative unions in Kenya, with over 31 years’ experience. He is also a member of the Board of Management of Muthambi Girls High School and Chief Mbogori Girls High School. He has attended various local and international courses on co-operatives with emphasis on dairy and coffee management sectors. He has a Diploma in Senior Co-operative Management.

  • Mr. David. K. Obonyo Mr. David. K. Obonyo


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    Mr. David. K. Obonyo

    Mr. David. K. Obonyo


    Mr. David K. Obonyo is a career civil servant who joined the Board of Directors in year 2021. He is a holder of Masters of Arts (Rural Economics and Co-operation) from Bundelkhand University, India, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Political Science from Agra University in India and a Diploma in Industrial Relations from Indian School of Labour Relations. He has also attended various local and international courses on strategic leadership, Co-operative and SME Management. He is the current Commissioner for Co-operatives Development. He has over 27 years working experience in Co-operative Movement having worked as a District Co-operative Officer in Kiambu, Maragua, Nyandarua and Machakos, Provincial Co-operative Officer – Eastern Province, County Commissioner for Cooperatives – Embu County, Head of Extension Services at the Ministry of Industry, Trade & Co-operatives and Ag. Chief Executive Officer /Secretary at the Ethics Commission for Co-operative Societies Board. He is also a Board member at New Kenya Co-operative Creameries Limited and Sacco Societies Regularity Authority (Sasra) and a former Council Member of the Co-operative University of Kenya.

  • Michael M. Muthigani Michael M. Muthigani


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    Michael M. Muthigani

    Michael M. Muthigani


    Mr. Michael Muriithi was appointed a Director on 26th April 2019. He has extensive knowledge and experience in finance and accounting matters and has held various senior positions with Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board (KASNEB) since 1994;notably Revenue Officer, Account Assistant, Accountant and is currently the Senior Accountant. He has also diligently served in the KASNEB Sacco in various capacities including as a Treasurer for 8 years. Mr. Muriithi is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree at Moi University School of Business and is a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Muriithi is the current Vice Secretary of Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Kiambu Town and a member of the Parish Pastoral Committee.

  • Samuel M. Kibugi Samuel M. Kibugi

    Company Secretary

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    Samuel M. Kibugi

    Samuel M. Kibugi

    Company Secretary

    He has over 18 years of experience as a lawyer and prior to joining Co-op Bank in 2008, worked for a leading bank as a Legal Counsel. He is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, a member of the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries ICPS (K) and an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. As the Company Secretary of the Co-op Bank Group, he has responsibility for the overall provision of legal counsel and company secretarial services, fraud prevention and investigations. He is also the Trust Secretary for the Co-operative Bank Foundation, a corporate social responsibility vehicle of the Bank.

  • William Mayar Wol William Mayar Wol


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    William Mayar Wol

    William Mayar Wol


    He is a South Sudanese Citizen by birth and holds a Higher Diploma in Agriculture Economics from Agriculture College Sudan University of Science and Technology, a Bachelor of Science Degree from Agriculture Engineering College, University of Alexandria – Egypt. He has served in various capacities including acting Head Government Banking in Co-operative Bank South Sudan, field officer Ministry of Agriculture in Sudan, development and formation of Co-operatives in South Sudan’s various states among others.

  • Elijah Wamalwa Elijah Wamalwa

    Managing Director

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    Elijah Wamalwa

    Elijah Wamalwa

    Managing Director

    He has 20 years banking experience and is one of the pioneers of Co-operative Bank of South Sudan where he worked from 2013 as Head of Credit & Risk Management, in 2015 as Head of Retail and Operations before being appointed Managing Director in 2017. He has served in various other capacities at the Co-operative Bank of Kenya as a Portfolio Manager, Head of Credit Administration and later as Head of Credit-Core Banking Implementation Team. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Governance attained at International Leadership University (Kenya) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Egerton University (Kenya). He has additional qualifications in accounting and project management.

  • Prof. Mathew Gordon Udo Prof. Mathew Gordon Udo


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    Prof. Mathew Gordon Udo

    Prof. Mathew Gordon Udo


    He was appointed a director of Co-operative Bank of South Sudan on 23rd August 2012. He is South Sudanese citizen by birth and currently is Under Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Co-operatives and Rural Development in charge of Administrative Affairs, Planning and Forestry Development. He has a strong base and wide knowledge in different fields of agriculture and natural resource management and has served in various capacities in both the academic field and Civil service in South Sudan spanning a period of over 30 years. He holds a MSc. (Agric) Animal production from the Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro Tanzania and a B.A. SA (Hons) Agriculture (animal production) from Gezira University of Agriculture wad Medani Sudan. He was appointed Professor of animal genetics and animal breeding – CNRES University of Juba, a position he continues to hold.

  • Hon. Ocum Genes Karlos Hon. Ocum Genes Karlos


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    Hon. Ocum Genes Karlos

    Hon. Ocum Genes Karlos


    He was appointed director of Co-op Bank of South Sudan on 8th November 2018. He is a South Sudan citizen and is currently Under Secretary for Planning in the Ministry of Finance & Economic Planning. He is a seasoned finance and planning technocrat with a decorated service on financial matters in South Sudan.

    He also has a vast international exposure having worked for over 12 years with various United Nations Agencies such as United Nations World Food Programme, United Nations Development Programme and Care International in Sudan. He is a holder of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Management from the University of Juba and a Masters of Science, Qualifying Certificate in Business Administration from the University of Khartoum.

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