Send upto 1,000,000 KSH for as low as 12.50* USD

Co-opRemit is a money transfer solution that allows Co-opBank customers to send money to a mobile wallet or bank account outside Kenya conveniently and affordably. Co-opRemit is ideal for MSMEs, parents with children studying abroad, as well as persons with relatives seeking medical treatment abroad.
You can send a maximum of Ksh 1,000,000 per day and you will be charged between USD 2.50 and USD 12.50* depending on the amount you intend to transfer.
Features & Benefits
Affordable and safe. Available country-wide at any Co-op Bank branch. Access to dedicated money transfer counters across all our branches.
How do I access Co-opRemit?
Visit your nearest Co-op Bank branch with the following:
a. Your official identification document (ID, passport, etc.).
b. Destination Country.
c. Details of the recipient:
i. If you are sending to a Bank Account: ensure you have account details of the recipient including name, name of Bank, Branch and Bank Account Number.
ii. If you are sending to a Mobile Number: ensure you have contact details of the recipient including name, mobile number, and name of the mobile service provider
- Pick a ticket for money transfer services.
- At the counter, provide the dully filled Co-opRemit form and your identification document (ID, passport, etc.) to the teller.
- The teller will process the transaction and issue you with a receipt that has a unique transaction reference
- The funds will be credited to the recipient’s account or mobile number.
- There may be exceptions for Tanzania and Zambia.
- Find out at the counter which countries you can send money to.
For more information call our call center on 020 277 6000, 0703 027 000, 0736 690 101 Or email us at
Do you have an enquiry? Talk to Us
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